Friday, February 26, 2010

The Amazing Space

There is an amazing space in my pants where 200 extra lbs used to reside.

I'm always amazed to see grossly obese people eat in public. When I was 1,200 lbs, I ate alone in my hot tub/ deep fryer (hypothetically). It may seem like an easy target, fat people, but it isn't. I mean, physically, great target because it's hard to miss them, but comically- well, it's been done. I'm not being funny. I am serious. Watching fat people eat cake makes me want to run a flight of stairs and drink only water for the rest of my life.
I saw a girl, who was "Precious"-fat, trying to eat a muffin daintily. She was in a dress and clearly she was trying, but she was huge... like, "why even try?"-huge.
Am I evil for saying that? Sure, but I'm thin.
If I were in public eating a muffin with 200 extra lbs factoring into my decision making process, all bets are off- I would be mooing! I would acknowledge that I were already a spectacle and spare the irony of manners at a restaurant. I would oink all the way to my seat and fart non-stop. Farting is the olfactory equivalent of the optical assault that is: really fat people "enjoying" food. It's like a pedophile enjoying his grandson... he might play nice, because the parents are around, but he's pushing the swing with a throbbing erection tucked into his belt. You can just sense the dysfunction and it's beyond sad- it's hilarious (not the erection- the food thing)! It's so funny because that's why socialized health care is so hard to fathom: diabetes... probably the biggest medical expense in this country, but poor people somehow manage to put down carbs like baked goods were dogs at an animal shelter.

Oh- it was okay before I started with the dogs? I've always liked cats more, but I would eat a cat if it were a lean enough protein.

Which brings me to how I lost all that weight (did you think I would forget to tell you that made up story?). I grew up on a farm in Portland, OR. My mom kept sleeping with the barn animals, which led her to sign me over to the state of Oregon, where I became a ward of the court (then she could have more alone time with horses). Before she turned me loose on a revolving door of foster homes, she would starve me because we didn't have money for food and she needed her smokes. When she would get a check from her Tijuana circus shows, she would stock the kitchen full of processed magic. This happened twice a year and I would always eat until she caught me. She told me I would never be loved and chased me around calling me "Miss Piggy" until I agreed to pee on her face while she ate french toast. I felt conflicted about being told I couldn't be loved and being called swine- because pigs were her favorite lovers. I ended up eating my own feet one day when I was bored and found honey to dip them in. So that just added to calories I wouldn't burn exercising. It took two years, but I became super obese!

Eventually (8 weeks), I lost the weight with experimental drugs and crying. To this day, I can't see a crane without thinking: cement truck and I can't see one of those without thinking: cement. Life is strange. Big is Gross.

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